When I first saw the all-terrain carpet cleaner, I couldn't help but felt fascinated by it because of how advance it was. I immediately got a unit of it and have been using it ever since. It's truly the best carpet cleaner ever. The thing that amazes me most about this carpet cleaner of mine is the variety of function it has. Although the cleaner is mainly automatic, you could also use it manually since it has two different separate machines.

The all-terrain carpet and hard-surface cleaner with 12 amp motor works well with 120 Volts of power, and not only that, it even has dual-V Technology that ensures equal suction across the full width of the nozzle, spin and scrub brushes, heated cleaning, automatic detergent mixing, and auto rinse modes, plus hard-floor accessories which include squeegee, Spin-N-Scrub brushes, and soft wheels. Also included by the manufacturer is 1-year warranty. I could even use this cleaner at night since it works quietly.